88 Key Keyboard Tray DIY
This guide is intended to teach you how to build a slide out tray capable of holding a large/heavy keyboard.
Model of design
- Desk: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Q2BNWLH?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details
- Slides for tray (I went with 20 inch but you can choose whichever best fits you): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08HGKXMCV?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details
- Desk Risers (you'll need something to get clearance for legs): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09FDQXJVM?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details
- Dowel Jig kit: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08YNLDSV1?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details
- Saw (I used a jig saw)
- Drill
- Orbital Sander (could get away with just sand paper)
- Two 2x4x24
- Two 1x10x55 (roughly)
- 1x2x10 (any scrap wood will do but these are cheap and easy to work with)
- leveler
- 4 5/16 4" bolts and nuts
- Angle Steel: https://www.homedepot.com/p/3-4-in-x-1-8-in-x-48-in-Plain-Steel-Angle-800887/204225761
- Clamps of any kind
- Speed Square
- Assorted drill bits/screws
Step by step process
Step 1: Join 1x10 boards
Not very difficult but here is a video explaining it
I also recommend screwing the angle steel to the corners of the boards before attaching them to help keep them straight. I ended up leaving one on to prevent bowing with the weight (seen below along back side of tray)
Step 2: Attach 2x4 to table legs
Measure the height of your keyboard.
I recommend creating a jig to help drill the same holes at the same height on every leg
Something like this. once you make this you can just clamp it to every leg and drill though.
Once the holes are made in the legs, clamp the wood to the legs and use the leveler to make sure they are straight. they don't need to be perfect because you can adjust the angle of the drawer slides when you install them to make sure they are level but it will look better if they are at least reasonable level.
Drill holes through board using holes in table legs. I used 5/16 4" bolts to hold them on.
As you can see i drilled 2 holes but only ended up using one. works fine for me but if you want added security add the others.
Step 3: Add Slides
You can see the slides in this picture. I lightly clamped them to the boards to hold them while i adjusted them. I built another jig that was the height of my keyboard to make sure the slides were even distances for the desk top. Once the slides were even and level i screwed them to the board.
Step 4: Installing tray
Measure the distance between the slides and cut your tray to that length. Screw the slides to the board and test the fit in the slides. repeat until the tray is functional
Step 5: Finishing
Once everything fit and was functional i removed , sanded and painted everything. I just used spray paint and a clear coat but this is completely optional.
I would rate this about a 3/10 difficulty. When in doubt measure again but it really is very simple.
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